HistoryDecades of experience in recycling

2024US premiere of the BritAS ABMF 1600 TH >>>

The Automatic Belt Melt Filter with two filter heads for extremely powerful,
ultra-fine filtration
Perfect for higher levels of contamination

Media information BritAS at the NPE 2024

2023Innovation continuous piston screen changer at the Fakuma booth >>>

Backflush process as clear competitive advantage
Lower loss of material
Quicker process
Less black spots

Media information BritAS at the Fakuma 2023

2022Presentation of the ABMF PET-C at the K 2022 >>>

Fully automatic
Ideal for all PET applications
Lowest melt loss
Filtration fineness up to 20 µ
For bottle to bottle

Media information BritAS at the K2022

2019New piston screen changer series presented for the first time at the K >>>

Ideal for less contaminated industrial & production plastic waste
Discontinuous & continuous piston screen changer variants
Perfect addition to the BritAS product portfolio ABMF & ABMF PET

Media information BritAS at the K2019

2018 Successful appearance at the Fakuma >>>

New test center with complete extrusion line in Hanau – Innovation ABMF-PET / ABMF-1600 very successful on the market

Media information BritAS at the Fakuma 2018

2018 Opening of test center & 25th anniversary >>>

Eröffnung Testzentrum


25 Jahre Jubiläum

2018Successful NPE trade fair >>>

Premiere: Presentation of the ABMF-PET innovation

2016 Erfolgreicher Auftritt auf der K >>>


Weiterentwicklung des Siebwechselsystems

Übernahme der BritAS Recycling-Anlagen GmbH durch die NGA Next Generation Analytics


20-jähriges Firmenjubiläum

Übernahme der Geschäftsanteile durch NGR Next Generation Recyclingmaschinen GmbH


Verkauf des 100. Automatischen Band-Schmelze-Filters


Gründung der BritAS Recycling-Anlagen GmbH durch Lucian Britchi